RELEASE – SCGOP calls on Jaime Harrison to restore order and correct his staff’s rhetoric

(Columbia, S.C.) – Last evening, an article broke highlighting insulting and degrading tweets from Democrat Jaime Harrison’s top campaign aides, his political director and communications director.

The tweets range in topics from Anti-Semitic remarks, homophobic slurs, disgusting comments about sexual acts, and jokes about rape.

“These vile, hateful comments coming from members, dare I say leaders, of the party that claims to be inclusive and tolerant just prove Democrats are leading with the ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ mantra,” said SCGOP Communications Director Claire Robinson. “We call on Jaime Harrison to demand he immediately correct this rhetoric and let South Carolinians know how he’s restoring decency to his campaign.”

In 2018, Democrats unfairly accused now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault and publicly questioned his character in front of his wife and daughters–without any evidence to support the false claims. Thankfully, Senator Lindsey Graham recognized the witch hunt and called out the Left for their unconscionable actions.

During the #MeToo movement, Democrats widely called for prominent figures and men in authority roles to resign amid sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape claims. Yet, Harrison’s communications director tweeted about women performing oral sex and called himself a “hunter.”

The Democrat Party touts tolerance and inclusion, and in the same breath spouts insults at those who differ in thought with them. Just how
Harrison’s political director tweeted homophobic slurs when she was angry at someone.

So, according to the tweets from Harrison’s top aides, the top issues their party supposedly cares about are all a sham.

“Not only are these tweets insulting and degrading, they show what Harrison’s campaign staff thinks about the issues,” said SCGOP Executive Director Hope Walker. “The foul language shows the Democrats’ main talking points only apply when it suits their agenda, and that’s just one more reason why S.C. will reelect Senator Graham in November.”